
This command is called from the System Menu and can be used to import

  • CAD data,
  • Bitmap image,
  • PDF,
  • Block layout list

to the layout.

Importing background CAD files

A typical case of application of this type of import function is loading of a groundplan for a building from an architect. The CAD file is embedded as a background object. The visibility of the layers contained therein can be controlled later. The scale is to be specified when importing. Please consider the Notes for preparing AutoCAD data for import.


  1. Call the Import command in the System Menu.
  2. Select a DXF or DWG file from the file dialog. You can also apply a filter to browse for appropriate files. To this end, select the Background CAD filter entry to the right of the file name.
  3. A feedback regarding the progress of reading-in is displayed on the right.
  4. Now the file contents are visible. Modify the scale until the size of the contents matches the real size.
  5. Click on Accept to complete the import.

Import duration

The import duration depends predominantly on the amount of the information contained in the files to be imported. It is therefore recommended to reduce the file size(s) to that what is necessary from the point of view of planning.

Scale and visibility

If the CAD dataset to be imported is available in a scale that results in the imported object being significantly larger than the current section of the layout, you have the option of adjusting the image section to the size of the CAD object.

Importing a background image

A typical case of application is loading of buildings as a template if no CAD data exist. The image is embedded as a background object. The following file formats can be imported: jpeg, jpg, gif, png and bmp.


In contrast to CAD data, the images do not possess a scale. They must be adapted in size later by way of a reference dimension.


  1. Call the Import command in the System Menu.
  2. Select the pixel graphic you wish to import from the file dialog. You can also apply a filter to browse for appropriate files. To this end, select the Background Image filter to the right of the file name.

Importing PDF

PDF files are a common method to further use geometric information or drawings - generated in other systems - as templates. They are usually intended for the output of a specific planning status, but cannot themselves be used as a continuous data exchange. In this respect visTABLE®touch supports the use of PDFs as background objects. Editing the information in the PDF itself, however, is not provided for. If you have the choice to use a CAD drawing as DWG/DXF or PDF, use DWG/DXF. Since a PDF per se does not specify what information is contained in it and in what form, importing a PDF does not generally mean that you can expect to find the information in the same way as would otherwise be possible from a CAD system as DWG/DXF. When importing a PDF, it is mandatory to specify a scale, so check this property when importing.


  1. Call the Import command in the System Menu.
  2. Select a PDF file from the file dialog. You can also apply a filter to browse for appropriate files.
  3. A feedback regarding the progress of reading-in is displayed on the right.
  4. Now the file contents are visible. Modify the scale until the size of the contents matches the real size.
  5. Click on Accept to complete the import.

duration of import

The import duration depends essentially on the amount of information contained. The same notes apply as for a background CAD.

Scale and Visibility

If the PDF to be imported is at a scale that results in the imported object being significantly larger than the current section of the layout, you will be given the option to resize the image section to fit.

Differences between vector and pixel image contained in PDF

A PDF can contain both vector and bitmap graphics. Bitmap graphics (like background images) cannot be scaled arbitrarily without losing accuracy.
Some bitmap graphic formats are not supported (e.g. flate decoded).
There is no access to the individual elements of the PDF; a single object is created on the CAD layer.

multi-page documents

Only the first page of a PDF document is imported. Please make sure that the information you need is on the first page of a PDF document. A different page cannot be selected.

limits of PDF files

When importing a PDF file, the loss of information and accuracy is inevitable. It is important to consider the level of fidelity that can be expected.
The data in PDF files will be stored there only with single precision. Coordinate values are rounded off in this reduction, and the loss of accuracy is most noticeable in the following cases:
* calculated positions such as tangential points, endpoints of arcs, and endpoints of rotated lines.
* data with a large dynamic range, from the largest to the smallest values
* large coordinates in PDF files, such as those in maps
* PDF files generated with a low DPI (dots per inch) setting.

Importing block layout information

A typical case of application of this type of import is the creation of areas with default dimensions.

The block layout elements contained in the layout are created or refreshed in accordance with the selected list. The block layout elements are identified by way of their designations.

Import template

To obtain a template for import in the Excel format, export areas from an existing layout. For successful import, at least the column for name must be filled.

CSV Import

; is used as data separator and the Windows configuration (, or .) is used as decimal separator.


  1. Call the Import command in the System Menu.
  2. Select the block layout table from the file dialog. You can also apply a filter to browse for appropriate files. To this end, select the Block Layout Table filter to the right of the file name.
  3. An appropriate message is displayed to indicate whether elements have been refreshed or newly created.

Auto layout

If no position information is available, the block layout elements are displayed in a queue at the lower margin of the layout.

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