Evaluate Logistics

visTABLE®touch can be used to evaluate the layout e.g. by way of the transports defined in visTABLE®logix. For the basics and for notes regarding the meanings, acquisition and visualization of flow relationships, refer to the Material Flow help section.

To be able to achieve a logistics design as optimally as possible, the logistics assessment function provides essential KPIs to evaluate the Efforts in Transportation and the transport costs in accordance with the current layout.

User interface

Logistics assessment: Efforts in transportation


The diagram shows the percentage change referred to the reference values. The efforts in transportation (as the total of all flows) are specified beneath the indicator. The changes compared to the previously set reference values are specified beneath and put in brackets. Use Reset to accept the reference values from the current layout, allowing a comparison on the basis of the current layout.

  • An increase in the efforts/costs is represented by way of a red indicator.
  • Reductions in the efforts/costs are represented by way of a green indicator and a negative sign.


All currently used types of transport means are listed beneath the diagram with specification of:

  • Designation of the type of transport means;
  • Changes in the efforts for all flows of the appropriate type of transport means as a percentage;
  • Total distance: Total of all distances multiplied with the appropriate frequency of all transports between the resources for all flows of the appropriate type of transport means.
  • Single length: Corresponds to the total in meters of all transports for all flows of this type of transport means when counted only once. In other words: It does not take into account the transport frequency, but evaluates each transport relation with the single length between the resources involved.


Can be used to filter the flows by Product Families. Use the drop-down function to select individual product families.

  • If <All Product Families> is selected, all transports from the complete production program are taken into account in the calculation.
  • If a product family is selected, only transports that belong to the selected product family are taken into account. Then, only flows that cover the product flow of the selected product family are highlighted in the layout.

Switch between efforts and costs

Can be used to switch the logistics assessment between the efforts in transportation and transportation costs. Values, indicators and details are specified in accordance with the selected scores for transportation efforts and costs.

Logistics assessment: Transport costs


The comparison is based on reference values that refer to a previous state of the layout and were determined at that time. To use the current state as the starting point for future comparisons, click Reset. Confirm the current state with Ok.

Assess logistics and compare variants

Once any modifications to the layout (moving of resources, modification of transport networks) have been made, the corresponding flow relationships are recalculated automatically, resulting in (new) efforts in transportation.

The following section describes how to create and compare layout variants to each other. The objective is to reduce the efforts in transportation and an assessment of the effects on the transportation costs.


A logistics assessment is always based on the Production Program for the Layout Area. Logistics assessment can only be used if at least one flow results for it.


  1. Switch to the task area Evaluation > Evaluate Logistics.
  2. Check that Efforts is selected as the assessment criterion. Switch from Costs to Efforts where necessary.
  3. Use the Reset command to take into account the reference values of the current layout as the basis. The indicator approaches 0%. The current total expenditures are specified beneath the indicator.
  4. Modify the layout and check how the indicator changes. The objective is to reduce the overall expenditures which can be seen in the diagram.
  5. Take into account changes of the individual types of transport means where appropriate (beneath the diagram).
  6. Switch the assessment criterion to Costs: To this end, use the switch in the top right corner. Assess the current costs and their changes with reference to the initial variant.
  7. This procedure is to be performed iteratively and with consideration of further KPIs and criteria.

Logistics assessment

Representing the product flow separately

Proceed as follows to highlight the product flow of a product family.


  • It is imperative to observe the general principles of logistics assessment.
  • Furthermore, it is only possible to browse for a product family in a filter if at least two product families are defined.
  • It is possible to visualize the flows in 3D View, but the 3D view must be started beforehand.


  1. Switch to the task area Evaluation > Evaluate Logistics.
  2. Select a product family in the drop-down menu. The flows that cover the product flow of the selected product family are highlighted. Only these flows are represented in the 3D view.

Logistics assessment: Filter by product family

See also:

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