What is new ...

New in this version

In addition to changes to robustness and increases in performance and speed, exciting and practical new models have been added in this update. Of particular note are various models for signage, with which, for example, areas or objects can be easily and flexibly labeled in 3D. This is associated with a change in the attribute control for the existing stacking plan models.

New in the model library

In the Annotation catalog there are now three versions of area and label signs with dynamic text fields. This allows areas and equipment in the factory to be marked with your own information. Please note that each text field is single-line and the character length is limited to approx. 5-25 characters if text is to be displayed within the sign.

area sign area label

5 new electric forklift trucks from Jungheinrich have been added to the Transportation catalog.

Jungheinrich electric forklifts

18 new devices for commercial kitchens from RATIONAL have been added to the Social space canteen and supply catalog. These include cooking appliances, horde rack trolleys and transport trolleys.

RATIONAL equipment

With the Room System catalog, you can visualize hall offices, partition walls, measuring rooms and other functional rooms in a factory. The system offers you numerous sample configurations that you can use as a starting point for your own room system. The system also includes numerous basic modules such as solid walls, screen walls, doors, sliding doors and staircases that can be universally combined.

model catalog Room system example layout

The Truck trailers and semi-trailers catalog significantly expands the range of 3D models for a wide variety of truck semitrailers and articulated trucks, with swap bodies as tarpaulins or containers. Prefabricated example configurations enable direct use in accordance with Directive 92/106/EEC and 96/53/EC standardized road trains in the European Union. You can now better plan and visualize the storage areas of logistics and transshipment centers.

model catalog Truck trailers and semi-trailers example layout

Catalog Ascending equipment: This catalog contains selected HYMER products from the areas of ladders, steps and platforms.

model catalog Ascending equipment

Highlights of previous updates

Interactive moving of object labels

Labels (name and area) of objects in the layout can now be moved to any position. They remain linked to the object, even if the label is positioned outside the object. In addition, there are new actions for aligning these labels in the Object properties. You can choose how the label is oriented:

  • Permanently horizontal,
  • permanently vertical or
  • automatically either centered horizontally or centered vertically, depending on the longest axis of the object’s bounding box (previous behavior).

Function for tilting objects

Until now, arrangement objects could only be rotated around the z-axis. So it was only possible to rotate the objects in the 2D plan view around one axis. This is also the most common use case in layout planning. However, for the design of assembly workstations, shelves, staging bins, or even the representation of inclined planes, truck loading ramps, pipelines, etc., this one axis is not sufficient. With this update, it is now possible to rotate arrangement objects around the other two axes. For better differentiation we call this function Tilt.


Improvement of visualization in 3D

The 3D visualization has received a significant upgrade. The scenes now look more vivid because a shadow effect automatically ensures a more realistic representation. The technique behind this is called Ambient Occlusion. The best part, however, is that all layouts benefit immediately from this improvement. You don’t have to worry about anything.

Ambient Occlusion

Interactive scaling of objects

Until now, the handles in the 2D layout area could be used to scale objects either along their length or along their width. Now it is also possible to change both length and width at the same time using the handles in the corners. If you want to keep the proportions, hold down the Shift key while scaling.

Search and Find also in object manager

Based on user feedback search for models was actively used in the model library. Now it is also possible to search for your own models in the object manager. This makes it easier to manage your own model library, change properties or duplicate models.

Autosave made easier

In previous versions, a backup file was already created automatically from time to time. In case you had to use it, it was necessary to find it in the file system and prepare it accordingly. From now on, the software recognizes at startup whether such an autosave file is available and allows - after confirmation - to continue working with it immediately.

Export of 3D scenes

Now only those elements are exported that are currently visible in the 3D scene. The layer visibility is therefore taken into account. This gives you better control over what should actually be exported.

catalogs and models

  • 3.0.267: Catalog STOPA Long Goods Storage: This catalog contains ready-made plant configurations of long-tower bearings in single-tower and double-tower design as offered by the company STOPA Anlagenbau GmbH. These represent simplified 3D models as modules, which you can use directly in concept planning. For an individual configuration or implementation planning please contact the manufacturer directly in any case. Important notes on the use of the models
    model catalog STOPA Long Goods Storage example layout

  • 3.0.267: Catalog 3D basic solids: The new catalog offers colorable primitives such as cuboids, cylinders or cones. These can be used individually or in combination to build simple 3D models. All these models can be colored in 3D, scaled and tilted as desired. With these it is possible to create simple 3D models by yourself. You no longer have to use the catalog block layout. Create merged modules from them, which can then be used as optimized individual objects in the layout plan.
    model catalog 3D basic solids example 3D equipment

  • 3.0.267: The model Area from the catalog Block layout now no longer has preset dimensions. Instead - when using the new models Rectangular block, Polygonal block and Circular block - a block layout element with dynamic and thus automatically fitting size ends up in the layout during drag & drop. And another practical thing: if these objects are colored in 2D, you also change their color in the 3D view.


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