Shortcuts, mouse and gesture control
visTABLE® apps (general)
F1: Help
DEL: Delete a selected object
ESC: Cancel action where possible
CTRL + C: Copy selected text
CTRL + V: Paste copied text
CTRL + X: Cut copied text
CTRL + Y: Restore
CTRL + Z: Undo
Left-click: Selection
Drag (hold down left mouse button and move the mouse): Selection rectangle
Mouse wheel: Zoom
Press the mouse wheel/middle mouse button: PAN
ALT: Can be used to rotate objects; to this end, press and hold down the ALT
key when dragging.
ALT GR: Press briefly to start or quit the PAN
mode (moving of the layout). This is necessary in a few cases if the hardware does not support the middle mouse button and no touch gestures.
SHIFT: Locks an axis when objects are moved
CTRL: Allows multiple selection of objects. While moving, pressing or releasing switches the object snap on or off.
CTRL + A: Selects all objects that are visible and do not lie on locked layers
CTRL + C: Copy selection
CTRL + F: Explorer/search (in the layout)
CTRL + S: Save Layout Document
CTRL + V: Paste copied selection
Cursor/arrow keys: If the current selection contains objects, they can be moved by way of the cursor keys by 1 cm each.
SHIFT + cursor/arrow keys: Each time you press the key, the objects in the selection are moved in the appropriate direction by 10 cm.
CTRL + cursor/arrow keys: Each time you press the key, the objects in the selection are moved in the appropriate direction by 100 cm.
Two-finger touch gesture with the same distance between the fingers: PAN
Two-finger touch gesture with spreading the fingers: ZOOM
visTABLE® 3D view
Q: Moves the camera downwards
E: Moves the camera upwards
Cursor/“Left” arrow key: Rotates the camera around its own axis in the counterclockwise direction
Cursor/“Right” arrow key: Rotates the camera around its own axis in the clockwise direction
Cursor/”Down” arrow key: Inclines the camera upwards
Cursor/”Up” arrow key: Inclines the camera downwards
Spacebar + dragging: Swivels the camera upwards/downwards
CTRL: Allows multiple selection of objects.
Drawing of an area to create a process box;
Drawing of a triangle to create a storage process box;
Drawing of a line starting and ending on a process box to create a transport;
Drawing of a line over a transport or process box to delete an element;
Drawing of a line from a process box to the left to create an upstream process;
Drawing of a line from a process box to the right to create a downstream process